These are all simple yet delicious recipes you will want to cook for your mom every week, not only on Mother's Day. 7 easy recipes for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Make these together with your kids as a special treat for a very special mom. Mom will love it, you will love it, and everyone in the family will be happy.
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Crepes with fruit for breakfast:

Perfect way to start the morning by bringing mom a beautiful breakfast in bed.
Ingredients and how to: (makes about 12-14 crepes using 9 or 9.5in crepe pans):
2 cups of milk
1 egg
4 tablespoons of oil
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 cup boiling water
About 1.5 cups of flour
Step 1: Mix all the ingredients well, apart from boiling water. Once all mixed smoothly, add hot water. Step 2: Let it stand for 10-15 min and start frying! Oil spray pans for the first crepe, then continue without. Step3: Pour batter with ladle on hot crepe pan and spread evenly. In about 15-20 second the edges will start to brown, if not, wait a little longer. With crepe flipper separate edges gently from the pan and flip the crepe. Leave it on the pan for another 20 seconds and remove. Tip: I use 3 crepe pans at the same time. It speeds up the process a lot! Serve with powder sugar, maple syrup, sour cream, lemon juice
what a better way to celebrate amazing moms this Mothers' Day than with cooking something special for them (don't forget nice cards and flowers too)
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Poached egg toast or salad

A delicious breakfast or lunch, if you've never made a poached egg before, this will be a fun experience!
Ingredients and how to for salad (for 2):
2 eggs
1 tsp white vinegar
Romain salad chopped
1 avocado cubed
1 cup feta cheese cubed
1 tomato sliced
1 tbsp chia seeds
your favorite dressing, I love to mix olive oil, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, salt and pepper
Mix all the salad ingredients with the dressing, plate in salad bowls, set aside, and start making poached eggs, one at a time.
There are different ways of making a poached egg, but this is my tried and favorite. Boil small pot of water, add 1 tea spoon of white vinegar. Place cracked egg in a small cup (I find this easier than cracking the egg straight into boiling water). Create swirling vortex in the water with a spoon and gently place the egg in the middle. Let it boil on medium heat for 3 min. Take the egg out with a spoon and place on the paper towel. remove extra white bits.
More poached egg salad and toast options here:

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Chicken salad with dill, cucumbers and corn

Moving to some lunch options so that Mother's Day celebrations continue for the whole day. Tip: pull the chicken with a hand mixer, takes only 2 minutes!
Ingredients and how to (serves 3-4):
3 chicken breasts (boiled, fully cooked)
2 small cucumbers
1 cup frozen corn
small bunch of chopped dill
mix of 3 tbsp sour cream and 3 tbsp mayonnaise
salt and pepper
here are some ingredients that could elevate this salad: finely chopped granny smith apple, grapes, onions, walnuts, celery, BUT this is the simple version that kids like so, we try to stick with this simple recipe most of the time. Mixing part mayo part sour cream is also a preference here and gives the salad a little lightness, but all mayonnaise is delicious too.
Boil the chicken breasts in water for about 30-40 minutes until well cooked. If you brine the breasts for at least 6 hours in salt water, salad will turn out juicier. Once done and cooled a bit, cut in 1-2 inch pieces, place in a bowl and pull it using a hand mixer. Add all the other ingredient and fold in well. Great on crackers, on its own, or with salad leaf wraps.
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Super easy Caprese Salad

Super simple, yet so delicious and perfect for sunny spring weather too
Caprese salad ingredients and how to (serves 3-4)
Fresh mozzarella cheese sliced in circles
2-3 heirloom tomatoes, or Kumatoes, these are sweet and delicious too
Extra virgin olive oil
Fresh basil
Balsamic vinegar
line the mozzarella cheese and tomatoes in a circle. drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. add fresh basil leaves and salt. So wonderful for Sunday spring afternoon with a fresh baguette.
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Pork Chops with oven baked potatoes

Last 3 recipes are for dinner if you decide to stay in and have a special Mother's Day celebration.
Ingredients and how to:
3-4 boneless pork chops
1 tbsp butter
5-6 medium gold potatoes
French beans for a side (optional. Steam and add butter or steam and fry a bit in olive oil)
How to: Brown pork chops from both sides in a cast iron pan in butter. Heat oven to 375f. Add salt, (optional cayenne pepper, smoked paprika) and sliced potatoes around pork chops. Add some oil to potatoes and mix. Place in the oven for about 20 min, mixing potatoes half way. Then set on high broil for 5-7min to give pork and potatoes nice crisp and color. Move it all to the serving plate or cutting board. Slice pork chops and enjoy your wonderful dinner.
Tip: you can brine pork chops a day in advance in the spice mix for pulled pork or just salt water, so that it doesn't dry out if slightly overcooked. But it turns out delicious without brining too.
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Baked salmon with vegetables

Ingredients and how to (serves 4)
1.5 pounds of salmon
Ajika seasoning (sold at Trader Joe's)
2 zucchinis
1 can crushed tomatoes
1/2 onion, chopped
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 cup chopped cilantro
Salmon - Heat the oven to 350f. Line the baking tray with parchment paper and oil it. Washa and pat dry salmon with paper towel. Sprinkle salmon pieces with Ajika seasoning, small pieces of butter, and a bit of salt and bake for 20 min. Meanwhile make the side of your choice - rice, veggies, mashed potatoes.
This time as a side we suggest zucchini in tomato sauce, served is small ramekins.
Fry 2 cubed zucchinis in a pan in oil with onion and garlic. Add 1 jar of crushed tomatoes and salt. Bring to boil and simmer for 15 min. At the end add generous bunch of chopped cilantro.
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Fried Chicken and Bean Salad

And finally another delicious salad with simple pan fried chicken breasts.
Ingredients and how to (serves 4)
3 chicken breasts
1 Romain lettuce, washed and chopped
1 bell pepper, chopped
1 avocado, cubed
1 can beans
1 cup frozen corn
1 cup cubed feta cheese
1/2 cup chopped cilantro
Dressing: olive oil, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, dry oregano, dry basil, salt, pepper
Fry the chicken breasts in a pan with oil from both sides for about 10 minutes each side, sprinkle with salt once flipping over (inside temperature of chicken needs to reach 165F for it to be safe to eat). If you brine the breasts in salt water (1tbsp salt, 4 cups of water), it will turn out juicier, but skipping this step is ok too.
Meanwhile, mix all the salad ingredients together, add the dressing and set aside.
Once chicken is fried, set on the cutting board and slice in thin pieces and serve with salad.
Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing mamas out there!